Warrior Kriss meets a young girl in the forest, Mojmira, who escaped captivity. In the ruins of a hut, where they stop overnight, Kriss finds the Urobors, a magical object of time travel properties.
Kriss is being entangled in a tragic love story of Mojmira-Valdemena and Derwan. The characters, constantly travel through time dimensions, trying to escape the vicious cycle and, in their own little ways, reverse the course of the tragedy.
Producer Bui Film, East Side Picture, Maciej Ślesicki / Director Julia Bui / Director of Photography Mai Bui / Severine Walter, Magda Gałka, Eric Roturo / Trwanik, Motyl / Art Director Zofia Lubinska / Film Editing, Colorist, Special Effects Julia Bui / Constructor Janek Piszczak, Przemek Pieszczak / Sound Nicolas De La Vega / Michał Truong / Grip Toni Efer / Music Jarosław Jóżwik / Aleksandra Gronowska / Maria Kapela / Make up Magda Zimoląg
CAST Kriss De Valnor Ada Neyman / Valdemena Ewa Kasprzyk / Mojmira Magda Dembkowska / Derwan Włodek Dembkowski / Wojowniczki/Wojownicy Ewa Ampulska, Księżna Leya, Beata Godlewska, Kamila Czerwińska, Yvonne Heron, Magda Gałka, Nicolas de la Vega, Michał Derlicki, Tomasz Lewandowskii, Marcin Kwiatkowski, Julia Bui, Szkola Wachlarzy, Margot Margaux, Martyna Vel Martinez, Judyta Bulman, Anna Juniewicz, Magda Zimoląg, Katarzyna Stefanowicz, Patrycja Napierała, Marta Suzin, Sylwia Domańska, Marysia Koras, Małgosia Kret
Julie Bui
Maï Bui
Ada Neyman, Ewa Kasprzyk, Magda Dembkowska, Włodek Dembkowski
Bui Film, East Side Picture, Maciej Ślesicki
Zofia Lubińsa
Julie Bui